Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Autonomous Univercity of Barcelona

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My preferred teaching disciplines are Computer Sciences and related areas including Applied Mathematics

In Russia
Here are the courses I give at the Russian  Presidential Academy of National Economy
and Public Administration (RPANEPA):
 - Introduction to Data Mining
 - Introduction to Decision Support Systems
 - Mathematical Modeling
My students in Moscow are applied mathematicians, which study economy and business
in the framework of academic program “Two Diplomas”. 

In Spain
Here are the short-term courses I give at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB):
 - Selected Topics of Text Mining
 - Programming on Excel-VBA for linguists
 - Programming on R for linguists
My students in Barcelona are philologists and linguists.


To support the courses I use both universal software packages and the own software developed together with my students. Here are some of such programs having the form of laboratory works:
- Program ‘Forrester’, modeling world dynamics. Co-author Olga Proncheva  
(B.Sc. thesis, Moscow, 2012)
- Program  ‘TextComp’, study of  text complexityof text.
Co-author Olga Ogurtsova (M.Sc. thesis, Barcelona, 2010)
- Program ‘MAC’, study of non-lineal programming.
Co-author Roberto Jurado (M.Sc. thesis, Mexico, 2002)
One will be able to download all these programs since February 2012


- RPANEPA is Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Russia)
- UAB is Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)
IPN is National Polytechnic Institute (Mexico)
- RSGPU is Russian State Geological-Prospecting University, Russia

Since 2012 - …. Project of RPANEPA “support of quality and accessibility of education in foreign countries”. The project is supposed to be completed by experts of the Academy, spanish colleagues from UAB and russian colleagues from the Moscow mathematical lyceum "School No 2". I am a coordinator of the project.

1998 - 1999 Opening the doctoral program in Mathematics on the Faculty of Mathematics and  Physics of IPN, Mexico. Member of the commission
1994 - 1997 Membership in the Methodical Council on Applied Mathematics (directory of technical universities), Russian Ministry of Higher Education
1993-1994  Foundation of the specialty ‘Applied Mathematics’ at RSGPU, Russia. 
    Co-chair of the organizational and methodical councils.


Teaching objectives
While giving my students training in the mathematical aspects, ideas, and methods, I consider the final goal of training to be practical applications. Since young specialists tend to apply the learnt methods without due justification, I always emphasize the limitations of the methods I teach and explain their areas of applicability.

Assessment of students
While following the obligatory standards of the given university, wherever possible I use the assessment means directly related to my courses. E.g., in my colloquium on mathematical modeling I describe several extreme situations, such as emergency at a spaceship or a jam in the street, and ask the students to propose a model and a method for analysis of its consequences, in the form of a mini-brainstorm. This allows me to evaluate the student’s ability for modeling and for the solution of new tasks.

Social Goals
What for do I teach? Firstly, God gave people knowledge to distinguish them from animals. Second, knowledge gives people the power to serve to the society. Third, knowledge gives people the possibility to be free. And finally, I like to teach and to learn.

My Teaching Philosophy Statements


I give classes in Moscow and in Barcelona with the support of my colleagues:

Dr. Sergey Maruev, deputy dean of the faculty and the chief of system analysis and informatics department, RPANEPS, Russia
Dr. Angels Catena, professor of the department of French and Romance philology, coordinator of master program, UAB, Spain

In my teaching activity I use advices, recommendations and also materials of my colleagues-professors. Here I mention only part of the full list of those who have helped me before and help now:

Dr. Pavel Makagonov from the Mixteca University of Technology, Mexico.
     He should be the first one I must mention
 Dr. Manuel Montes-y-Gomez from the Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics, Mexico
 Dr. Jan Zizka from the Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic
 Dr. Eugene Levner from the Holon Institute of Technology and Bar-Ilan University, Israel
 Dr. Paolo Rosso from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
 Dr. Vladimir Stepashko from the International Research and Training Centre
     for Information Technologies and Systems, Ukraine
 M.Sc. Natalia Ponomareva from the Wolverhampton University, UK
and the others

Recent years I actively use lectures, algorithms, and reference materials located on unique russian Wiki-like resource devoted to Machine Learning. The administrators of the mentioned resource are Dr. Konstantin Vorontsov and Dr. Vadim Strizhov from the Computer Center of the Academy of Sciences (Russia).
“Pedagogical hospital” is my title of the materials, which the deputy director of Moscow mathematical lyceum (Russia) Alexander Kovaldji regularly sends me.
My permanent advisor is Dr.Sc., Full Professor Genrikh Tumarkin from USA. During 40 years he was working and during 35 years he was a chair of the department of mathematics and mathematical modeling at the RSGPU, Russia. Prof. Tumarkin was a director of my Ph.D. thesis.


and RE
- Classification Society of North America
- Spanish Society of
  Natural Language Processing
- Intern. Journal “Social Media MMM:
  monitoring, measurement, and mining”
- fLexSem Research Group, UAB, Spain

- SoNet Research Group, MendelU,
  Czech Republic
- Laboratory of Language Technologies

  INAOE, Mexico
- School of Computer Science, UCSP, Peru
- Laboratory of Natural Language

  Engineering, UPV, Spain
- Machine Learning Research Group,

  RAS, Russia

- Russian Presidential Academy of
National Economy and Public Adminisration
- Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Moscow mathematical lyceum “School No 2”

Master programs in Europe
- Masters in NLP,
  Autonomous University of Barcelona
- International Masters in NLP&HLT,
  Erazmus Mundus