Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Autonomous Univercity of Barcelona

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The topics of my students are related with the following three areas:
- Business Intelligence (business applications of artificial intelligence, data mining, decision making support)
- Natural language processing (computational linguistics, text mining)
- Mathematical modeling (differential equations, optimization)
Such large variation of topics reflects my current work in two universities and my previous experience.


- RPANEPA is Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia
- UAB is Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
- UCSP is Catholic University of San Pablo, Peru

Ph.D. students
Olga Kaurova (UAB, Spain),  Indexing  for  supervised and  semi-supervised learning  primary medical records presented  in  a  free-text form
Vera Danilova (UAB, SPAIN), Linguistic analysis of compositional pragmatic phraseology
     [the topic may be corrected]

M.Sc. students
Elena Latysh (RPANEPA, Russia), Application of fuzzy inductive modeling: constructing model for evaluation of probability of default on state obligations

B.Sc. students
Olga Proncheva (RPANEPA, Russia), Testing stability of Forrester model of world
     dynamics to new data and noise
Pavel Mogillev (RPANEPA, Russia),  Comparison of decision-making technologies
     in different DSS-s on example of selection of perspective companies of mobile
Grigorii Mishin (RPANEPA, Russia), Software tool for analysis so-called paradoxical
     economical tasks by means of Bayessian networks [the topic may be corrected]
Franco Sanchez (UCSP, Peru), Semi-supervised learning data base of economical
     activity of Peruvian companies [the topic may be corrected]
Alexander Levin (RPANEPA, Russia), Models of computer linguistics as an indicator
     for prediction of financial market behaviour
Marina Sarkissian (RPANEPA, Russia), Partition of trend and noise in a model of dynamic
     time series without overshoots and a seasonal wave
Vladimir Averkiev (RPANEPA, Russia), Partition of trend and seasonal deviations
     in a model of dynamic time series without overshoots and a noise
Victor Lebedev (RPANEPA, Russia), Prediction of time series of economical indicators
     by means of inductive modeling algorithms on the platform GMDH Shell
Antonina Kuznetsova (RPANEPA, Russia), Theoretical demography and models of world
     dynamics (experience of IAM-RAS)


- RPANEPA is Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia
- UAB is Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
- IPN is National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico
- RSGPU is Russian State Geological-Prospecting University, Russia

Ph.D. degree theses
Denis Filatov (IPN, Mexico), Construction of local artificial boundary conditions
   for numerical solution of mass transportation in complex mediums in a real time
   [defended at 2004]

M.Sc. degree theses
Ekaterina Plotnikova (UAB, Spain), Constructing regression model for politeness
    estimation based on positive and negative indicators [defended at 2009]
Nikolay Tyurin (UAB, Spain), Selecting documents for representation of corpus topics
    [defended at 2008]
Marianna Demenkova (UAB, Spain), Categorization of primary medical records presented
     in free text form [defended at 2008]
Roberto Jurado (IPN, Mexico), Application of mathematical programming methods
    for identification of local sources of aire contamination [defended at 2002]

B.Sc. degree theses
Konstantin Dylko (RPANEPA, Russia), Study channels for diffusion of contagion effect
     on finance markets [defended at 2010].
Pavel Zhernov (RPANEPA, Russia), Application of cluster-analysis technique
     for revealing perspective companies of mobile communication on the basis of database
    “SPARK” [defended at 2010].
Four theses, defended during the period 1990-1993 (RSGPU, Russia).
     The topics of theses are related with mathematical modeling in geology and geophysics


The majority of topics I offer to my students are the interdisciplinary ones. For this reason the students have co-directors of their theses. Here is the list of my colleagues whom I work with:

Cathedratic Prof., Dr. Xavier Blanco and Prof., Dr. Angels Catena,
     Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
Prof., Dr. Javier Tejada, Catholic University of San Pablo, Arequipa, Peru
Dr. Arthur Ioffin,  Direct Energy, Toronto, Canada
M.Sc. Natalia Ponomareva, Wolverhampton University, UK
Dr. Alexey Koshulko, Institute of Cybernetics,
     National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Ukraine
Prof., Dr. Stanislav Mikkoni, Petersburg Transport University, Russia
Prof., Dr. Mikhail Yudin, Russian State Geological-Prospecting University, Russia
Dr. Andrey Podlazov and Dr. Sergey Makhov, Institute of Applied Mathematics,
     Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
M. Sc. Alexander Kovaldji, Moscow mathematical lyceum "School No 2", Russia


and RE
- Classification Society of North America
- Spanish Society of
  Natural Language Processing
- Intern. Journal “Social Media MMM:
  monitoring, measurement, and mining”
- fLexSem Research Group, UAB, Spain

- SoNet Research Group, MendelU,
  Czech Republic
- Laboratory of Language Technologies

  INAOE, Mexico
- School of Computer Science, UCSP, Peru
- Laboratory of Natural Language

  Engineering, UPV, Spain
- Machine Learning Research Group,

  RAS, Russia

- Russian Presidential Academy of
National Economy and Public Adminisration
- Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Moscow mathematical lyceum “School No 2”

Master programs in Europe
- Masters in NLP,
  Autonomous University of Barcelona
- International Masters in NLP&HLT,
  Erazmus Mundus